Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Oh Goodness...

The stress of everything that needs to get done is finally setting in. I think I had forgotten this part since last spring when I was preparing for France haha. This time around there is a lot more work because I will be gone for a semester. I am currently just trying to get everything at school arranged so I will be set up for returning in the spring and have my credits transfer like they should. Although its been really stressful it has also been really exciting to talk to other students traveling and just talk about the similar situations we are in and all it takes to prepare. I have just been working on the little things first and as time goes will work to make all the little things build up. Its almost the end of the semester at school now so once its officially over I will have more time to prepare.

I'm really looking forward to having my internship application turned in and finding out if my hopes for that will pan out. Well once I know more info or have done some more work I will return to the blog.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Host Family

I must start this post off by saying just how great the people at Vesalius College have been just in the 3 days I have been in contact with them! I have had a email conversation going on with one of the study abroad coordinators and it seems like I unofficially have a family that I am staying with. They live about 45 minutes away from the school, I'm scared about this, but I think it will be no problem because of all the great transportation systems in Europe. The family has two small children, I guess a great house and garden, and the best part, they speak French! The study abroad coordinator said they are a great family and treat their study abroad students really well! Its crazy how quickly some of the things are getting set up, its now just up to me to get everything situated for me to get there!


Saturday, April 10, 2010



So I finally after 2 months of waiting found out that I have a spot to study abroad this coming fall at Vesalous College in Brussels, Belgium. I am excited, scared, nervous, anxious, and overwhelmed all at once. I just began the process of getting the materials ready for getting a visa. I need a criminal background check, which requires fingerprint, fun stuff huh? It's all overwhelming but I know I will get it done. I am also working on getting my CV ready for applying to an internship, I really hope I am able to get one because it pretty much is my dream!

Well back to what I probably should be doing, getting research done/writing my research paper for Friday's conference.

Check out to look at the college I will be attending while abroad.

Tchao! :-)